Top US Content Consumption- Week Oct.26-Nov.02, 2020
‘Roald Dahl’s The Witches’ takes the first position in this week’s SVOD & Electronic Sales Through film consumption, with ‘Borat 2’ close behind.
On the TV front, the second season of ‘The Mandalorian’ pushes Disney+ ahead from the competition.
‘The Mandalorian’ has been tasked with returning his charge, a child, to its people, the Jedi. He begins searching for other Mandalorians who he believes can help him find the Jedi, and is directed to a rumored Mandalorian operating out of the Tatooine town Mos Pelgo.
Cinelytic tracks global, illegal P2P based file-sharing data for film and TV content. By correlating our data with consumer data we are able to provide deep audience insights for better audience understanding, targeting, and activation.
Check out last week’s illegal P2P film and TV content consumption below!